Chime Now Offering Microsoft PPC Advertising!
While Google has a larger total audience, the Microsoft audience is not far behind, especially in the US & Canada, and has some attributes that make it uniquely valuable to marketers and real estate professionals. Here are a few of the key differences:
1. Microsoft Ads feed into various search engines unlike Google. Microsoft ads feed into AOL, Yahoo and Bing since Microsoft owns all three search engines making the net your ads cast much larger.
2. The average Bing user is more established than the average Google user. The average Bing user is older, more educated and more affluent which is often associated with the ability to buy and sell a home. By having more users that have more buying and selling power, it gives Bing’s ad algorithm a larger prospect pool to work with!
3. Microsoft is cheaper with a higher conversion rate than Google. In some areas, Microsoft’s average CPL is much lower than Google’s while having a higher conversion rate than Google. This isn’t to say Microsoft ads are better than Google ads, it’s just to say that because of the different audience of users there is a strong return on investment.
Chime’s Special Offer!
When you manage your Bing and Microsoft ads through your Chime portal and sign up with $300 or more in ad spend budget, enjoy 6 months of FREE ad management!